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We’re connecting local believers to the

3 billion people who are unreached


Only 3% of missionaries with only 1% of cross-cultural finances are going to the 3 billion people who have never heard about Jesus.


That the whole world would know Him.

Luke 15:4-7 | Matthew 28:16-20 | Luke 8:1-3 | Acts 4:12

Who are the unreached?

Unreached people don’t have:

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Someone to tell them that they have a God who loves and cares for them.

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Access to the gospel or a Bible written in their own language.

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Trained pastors or Christian neighbors to encourage them.


Our Mission

Our Mission is to mobilize local believers to support global projects that bring the gospel to unreached people groups.  


Our Vision

Our Vision is that every people group on earth would have a Bible, a believer, and a body of Christ.


Current Projects

God has moved our hearts to see the gospel transform whole societies among the unreached. We want to be a bridge that connects local believers to the global church.


Partner with

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Translate the Bible into indigenous languages.

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Bhutan & Nepal

Encourage Christians and map unreached villages.

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South Asia

Plant new churches and train pastors.

“God speaks my language.”

Local indigenous people read a translation of the book of Matthew, in their own language.

God has called you to be a part of the Great Commission!

Join us. Become a Local2Global partner.